11 November 2024
Global Civil Society Organizations
1. A Growing Culture
2. Association For Promotion SustainableDevelopment
3. BankTrack
4. CIDSE (Coopération internationale pour ledéveloppementet la solidarité)
5. Community And Family Aid Foundation-Ghana
6. Corporate Accountability
7. Denkhausbremen
8. EcoNexus
10. Environmental Investigation Agency
11. ETC Group
12. Fern NGO
13. FIAN International
14. Friends of the Earth International
15. Global Forest Coalition
16. Global Justice Association
17. Global Justice Ecology Project
18. Global Youth Biodiversity Network
20. Green Global Future
21. Greenpeace
22. Habitat International Coalition- Housing and Land Rights Network
23. Heinrich Böll Foundation
24. HEKS/EPER Swiss Church Cooperation
25. Indigenous Environmental Network
26. Initiative for Equality (IfE)
27. International Network of Mountain IndigenousPeoples (INMIP)
28. INSPIRIT Creatives
29. International Accountability Project
30. International Analog Forestry Network
31. IUCN CEM Eastern Europe
33. Navdanya International
34. Profundo
35. Rainforest Action Network
36. Rainforest Foundation UK
37. Rettet den Regenwald
38. Schola Campesina Aps
39. Smart Youth Network Initiative
40. Society for International Development
41. Survival International
42. The Common Initiative
43. Third World Network
44. Transnational Institute
45. Tripla Difesa On lus GuardieSicurezzaSociale ed Eco Zoofila
46. Udaan Youth Club
47. War on Want
48. What Next?
49. Women4Biodiversity
50. Women's Earth and Climate Action Network(WECAN)International
51. Women's Environment and DevelopmentOrganization
53. World Animal Protection
54. World Rainforest Movement
Regional Civil Society Organizations
55. Action for Climate and EnvironmentalSustainability~ ACES
56. AfricanCentre for Biodiversity
57. African CSO Biodiversity Alliance
58. Alianza Biodiversidad en AméricaLatina
59. Biofuelwatch
60. Chirapaq/ECMIA
61. Congo Basin Conservation Society CBCS-NETWORK
62. Convergence Globale des Luttespour laTerre, eauet les semences paysannes CGLTE-OA
63. Corporate Europe Observatory
64. Earth Thrive
65. Ecoropa
66. European Coordination Via Campesina
67. FIDEPE (Fondation Internationale pour leDéveloppement,l'Éducation, l'Entreprenariat et la Protection de
l'Environnement)68. Focus on the Global South
69. Friends of the Earth Europe
70. Green Finance Observatory
71. Gritode los Excluidos Continental
72. Insituto Maíra
73. Instituto Madeira Vivo
74. JVE
76. Mouvement d'Action Paysanne
77. Natural Justice
78. Ogiek Peoples' Development Program (OPDP)
79. Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural delSur
80. PELUM Association
81. Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific
82. Redde Acción en Plaguicidas, RAP-AL
83. Redde Cooperación Amazónica REDCAM
84. Resilient40 (R40) Africa
85. SOMO - Centre for Research onMultinationalCorporations
86. Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives forCommunityEmpowerment
88. Tamil Nadu Land Rights Federation
89. Youth Volunteers for Environment Ghana
National Civil Society Organizations
90. Aalem for Orphan and Vulnerable Children, Inc.
91. Abibi Nsroma Foundation
92. Aceh Wetland Foundation
93. Acción Ecológica
94. Actions Sans Frontières
96. Aksi! for gender, social and ecological justice
97. Al-Haq
98. Alliance for Sustainable and HolisticAgriculture(ASHA)
99. Amigos de la Tierra España
100. Asociación colectivo mujeres al derecho
101. Asociacionde Comunidades del Parque de la Papa
102. AsociaciónNacional de EmpresasComercializadoras de Productores del Campo AC
103. Association for Farmers Rights Defense, AFRD
104. Association Nigerienne desScoutsdel’Environnement (ANSEN)
105. Association of Young People for Environmental Protection in Guinea-Bissau
106. Association pour la Conservation etlaProtectiondes Écosystèmes des Lacs et l'Agriculture Durable
107. Association Pour la protection del’Environnementet le DeveloppmentDurable de Bizerte (APEDDUB)
108. Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance
109. Awaz CDS-Pakistan
110. Awinakola Foundation
111. Biodiversity Conservation Center
112. Biowatch South Africa
113. Bob Brown Foundation
114. Broederlijk Delen
115. Brot für die Welt
116. Bruno Manser Fonds
117. Build Peace and Development
119. Censat Agua Viva
120. Center for Environment/FoE BiH
121. Center for Peace Education and CommunityDevelopment
122. Centre for Citizens ConservingEnvironment&Management (CECIC)
123. Centrode estudios Heñói
124. Centrode Estudios y apoyo al Desarrollo Local
125. CentroEcosocial Latinoamericano
126. CentroEori de Investigación y PromociónRegional
127. CentroInterdisciplinario de Investigacióny Desarrollo Alternativo U Yich Lu'um
128. COECOCEIBA-Amigosde la tierra Costa Rica
129. Chandra Jyoti Integrated RuralDevelopmentSociety (CIRDS) Dhading Nepal
130. Climate and Community Project
131. Colectivo por la Autonomía
132. Collectif pour la défensedesterresmalgaches-TANY
133. Collective Determination
134. Consumers' Association of Penang
135. Dejusticia- Centro de Estudios de Derecho,Justicia y Sociedad
136. DKA Austria - DreikönigsaktionderKatholischenJungschar
137. Don’t gas Indonesia
139. Earthsight, UK
140. EarthThrive, Serbia,
142. Ecologistasen Acción
143. ECORE
144. Eipolteta tulevaisuutta
145. EndaPronat
146. ESG
147. Family Farm Defenders
148. FDCL-Center for Research andDocumentationChile-Latin America
149. Feedback EU
150. FIANBelgium
151. FIANBrasil
152. FIANDeutschland
153. FIANEcuador
154. FIANIndia
155. FIANIndonesia
156. FIANParaguay
157. FIANSri Lanka
158. FIANSwitzerland
162. FOCSIV Italian Federation Christian NGOs
163. Focus Association for Sustainable Development
164. Forum Ökologie & Papier
165. Friends of the Earth Australia
166. Friends of the Earth Canada
167. Friends of the Earth England, Wales and NorthernIreland
168. Friends of the Earth Japan
169. Friends of the Earth Malta
170. Friends of the Earth Sri Lanka/CEJ
171. Friends of the Earth US
172. FundaciónAmbiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)
173. FundaciónChile Sustentable
174. Global Media Foundation LBG
175. Good Health Community Programmes
176. Gramya Resource Centre for Women
177. Great Lakes and Wetlands Association
178. Grupo Semillas
179. Hope of Africa (HOFA) Cameroon
180. Igapo Project
181. Indigenous Environmental Network
182. Indigenous Taiwan Self-Determination Alliance
183. Initiative for Agriculture and Rural Development in Mali
184. Investigacióny Acción Biocultural, Anima Mundi, A.C.
185. JA! Justica Ambiental/FOE Mozambique
186. Jamaa Resource Initiatives
187. Jatam sulteng
188. JPIC Kalimantan
189. Just Forests
190. Justica Ambiental - JA!
191. Kalpavriksh
192. KOO - Co-ordination office of the Austrian Bishops’Conference for international development and mission
193. KRuHA - people's coalition for the right to water
194. Landelijk Netwerk Bossen-enBomenbescherming
195. Lanka Fundamental Rights Organization
196. Leefmilieu
197. Legal Resources Centre
198. Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center(LRC)
199. LesAmis de la Terre - Belgique asbl (FoEBelgium)
200. LesAmis de la Terre-Togo
201. Lok Shakti Abhiyan
202. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
203. Masifundise Development Trust
204. MAUSAM Movement for Advancing Understanding of Sustainability and Mutuality
205. Milieu defensie
206. Monteverde Commission for Resilience toClimateChange
207. MouvementEcologique asbl., FoE Luxembourg
208. MovimientoIndependiente Indigena Lenca dela Paz Honduras MILPAH
209. National Society of Conservationists - Friends of the Earth Hungary
210. Naturalezacon Derechos
211. NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark
212. ÖBV-ViaCampesina Austria
214. ONG
217. Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
218. Participatory Research & ActionNetwork-PRAAN
219. Pastoralists Alliance for Resilience and Adaptation Across Nations (PARAAN)
220. People's Vigilance Committee on HumanRights(PVCHR)
221. Persatuan Aktivis Sahabat Alam - KUASA,Malaysia
222. PersatuanPemeliharaan dan Pemuliharaan AlamSekitar Sarawak (PELIHARA)
223. PertubuhanPelindung Khazanah Alam Malaysia(PEKA)
225. Pro Natura / Friends of the EarthSwitzerland
226. Protect The Forest
227. Reacción Climática
228. ReCommon
229. Redde Coordinación en Biodiversidad
230. RedDominicana de Estudios yEmpoderamiento Afrodescendiente -Red Afros
231. Réseaudes Jeunes pour le Développement Durable-Madagascar
232. Réseau Nigerien des Défenseurs des DroitsHumains RNDDH
233. Roots for Equity
235. Rural Integrated Center For CommunityEmpowerment
237. Sahabat Alam Malaysia
238. Salva la Selva
239. Save Our Borneo
240. Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA MUKAH)
241. Save Our Rice Campaign Network
242. Size of Wales
243. Slow Food Deutschland
244. Small Scale Livestock and LivelihoodsProgram
245. SNEHAKUNJA Trusthonnavar Karnataka
246. Support for Women in Agriculture andEnvironment(SWAGEN)
247. Sustainable Development Institute (SDI)
248. The Australia Institute
249. The Development Institute
250. The Green Institute
251. The Oakland Institute
253. Trend Asia
254. Ubuntulearning hub Trust
255. Unidadde la Fuerza Indígena y Campesina
256. vzw Climaxi
257. Welthaus Diözese Graz-Seckau
258. Yayasan Apel Green Aceh
259. YayasanInsan Hutan Indonesia ( YIHUI )
260. Zambia Alliance for Agroecology andBiodiversity(ZAAB)
261. Zambian Governance Foundation for CivilSociety(ZGF)
262. Zimbabwe People’s Land Rights Movement
263. AalaynaGreen, United States
264. AdeolaOluwadare Samson, Nigeria
265. AiliPyhälä, Finland
266. AlisonBlay-Palmer, Canada
267. Alyx Hutcheon, United Kingdom
268. AnacletoRoberto Carolina Soares, Timor-Leste
269. AnitraNelson, Australia
270. AnnWaters-Bayer, Germany
271. ArturMilewski, Poland
272. ArunaRodrigues, India
273. ÅsaKasimir, Sweden
274. CarlosAugusto Pantoja Ramos, Brasil
275. Christine Leiser, Germany
276. David Barkin, Mexico
277. Dr. med. vet. Anita Idel, Germany
278. ElenShute, Australia
279. ElizabethBravo, Ecuador
280. FlorenSatizabal P., Colombia
281. GerardoCerdas Vega, Costa Rica
282. GinevraIacchetti, Italy
283. Giulia Chersoni, Italy
284. Guillaume Carbou, France
285. Helen Newing, UK
286. Jackie Sunde, South Africa
287. Janis Alcorn, Canada
288. Jeff Corntassel, Cherokee Nation citizen;Canada
289. John Thackara, UK
290. K. Nadeesha Nisansala, Sri Lanka
291. Kshama Nagaraja
292. Kudzai, South Africa
293. Kyle, Spain
294. Liliana Buitrago , Venezuela
295. MariaCarolina Olarte, Colombia
296. MarieBouchet, France
297. MarkHerse, Thailand
298. MarkusEichhorn, Ireland
299. Michel PIMBERT, UK
300. Miguel Pajares, Catalunya, España
301. Mike Jones, Sweden
302. NoraFaltmann, Austria
303. OlivierHamerlynck, Mozambique
304. PeterCarter, Canada
305. Peter Mukasa Reutter, Germany
306. Prof Jack Heinemann, New Zealand
307. RajeswariS. Raina, India
308. RosalieArendt, The Netherlands
309. RosarioCarmona, Norway
310. S Faizi PhD, India
311. Saloni, India
312. Tahiry Langrand, England
313. Wanlop Chutipong, Thailand
314. Yung En Chee, Australia